IT R&D Outcomes and Technology Knowledge Flows in Korea
Woo-Jin Jung (Yonsei University)
Sang-Yong Lee (Hanyang University)
This study measured the R&D outcomes of Korea’s firms by analyzing the changes and patterns of technology knowledge flows and tried to see whether the outcomes of ICT R&D were better than those of non-ICT R&D. Using the registered patent data from 2008 and 2009, the authors computed the technology cycle time (TCT) and various centrality indexes with social network analysis (SNA), a popular method in patent citation analyses (PCA). In particular, the authors developed a technology spillover network and industry absorption network for the SNA. Having done these analyses, this study additionally conducted a confirmatory statistical test to compare ICT R&D with non-ICT R&D in terms of their performances. The authors found that Korea’s ICT R&D has achieved higher levels of technology development speed, technology spillover and industry absorption when compared to non-ICT segments. The authors were also able to determine which particular ICT R&D is in an important position in terms of technology knowledge flows.
ICT R&D, Industry Absorption Network, Knowledge Flow, Patent Citation Analyses (PCA), Social Network Analysis (SNA), Technology Cycle Time (TCT), Technology Spillover Network
Journal of Database Management, Vol.29 No.4, pp.51-69