An Empirical Analysis on the Spillover Effects of R&D Investment in the ICT industry
Woo-Jin Jung (Barun ICT Research Center, Yonsei University)
Hyunsuk Kim (School of Economics, Yonsei University)
Shin Cho (Graduate School of Information, Yonsei University)
This paper examines spillover effects of R&D investment in the ICT industry to other industries by analyzing panel data composed of 6 manufacturing industries for the period of 1983~2011. Major findings are as follows; (1) The increase of R&D investment in ICT industry has a significantly positive relationship with the increase in the value-added of the remaining 5 industries with 3~10 year lags, depending on the source of R&D funds and R&D stage. (2) More specifically, public R&D shows the spillover effects during 3~7-year lag periods, whereas private R&D started to exert spillover effects from 9-year lag. The result implies that the public R&D appropriately targets projects with more spillover effects. (3) Basic research, applied research, and development showed the spillover effects for the period of 9~10, 7~10, and 10-year lag, respectively. (4) The R&D investment in 5 other industries such as machinery, chemicals, and materials does not have positive spillover effects to the remaining industries. Few studies have been done to analyze the R&D spillover effects to other industries, with certain limitations. This study contributes to the existing literature by analyzing the spillover effects of the different R&D funds and R&D stages, and by considering various time-lag effects.
ICT, Spillover effect, Externality, R&D investment, Knowledge management
Knowledge Management Research, No.20 Vol.1, pp.27-43